
Workplaces Benefit Greatly from the Diversity of Having Multiple Generations Working Together

https://maltabusinessnews.com/opinion/workplaces-benefit-greatly-from-the-diversity-of-having-multiple-generations-working-together-3?8394 MaltaBusinessNews.com
Workplaces Benefit Greatly from the Diversity of Having Multiple Generations Working Together

In the popular film The Intern, Robert De Niro stars as Ben Whittaker, a 70-year-old widower and retired marketing executive. Feeling unfulfilled by retirement, Ben applies for a senior intern position at About The Fit, a trendy online fashion start-up in Brooklyn. The company is led by the workaholic CEO Jules Ostin, played by Anne Hathaway.

Ben's charismatic and wise demeanor quickly endears him to the initially skeptical staff. He soon helps to streamline Ostin's hectic work life and even assists in mending her marriage.

As is typical in Hollywood films, there are lessons to be learned. Finding a new job can be challenging, especially for older or retired individuals, so it's important for colleagues to avoid stereotyping. Moreover, workplaces benefit greatly from the diversity of having multiple generations working together.

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