
Gabriel García Márquez Becomes the Most Translated Spanish-language Writer of the Century
Gabriel García Márquez Becomes the Most Translated Spanish-language Writer of the Century

According to research conducted by the Instituto Cervantes, Gabriel García Márquez has overtaken Miguel de Cervantes to become the most translated Spanish-language writer of the century so far.

The institute consulted the Online Computer Library Center’s WorldCat database to put together its new World Translation Map, which provides a searchable map of works translated from Spanish between 1950 and the present day.

The start date was chosen to take into account el boom, when Latin American writers including García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes and Julio Cortázar broke through to worldwide acclaim in the 1960s and 1970s. However, Miguel de Cervantes remains the most translated writer in Spanish over the past eight decades.

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