
Exclusive! Check Out "Mr. Cash" Rumen Radev - On Vacation at a Greek residence! He Outshines the Nicaraguan Dictator Daniel Ortega (UNIQUE PHOTOS)
Exclusive! Check Out "Mr. Cash" Rumen Radev - On Vacation at a Greek residence! He Outshines the Nicaraguan Dictator Daniel Ortega (UNIQUE PHOTOS)

Disgusting, rural cynicism on the backdrop of progressively impoverished Bulgarians was demonstrated by Rumen Radev and his wife Desislava in Greece. Their shameless squandering of public funds rivals the extravagance of Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo.

In the first part of our exclusive investigation, you’ll read about the outrageous expenses of the first couple, coming at a time when it's reported that every third Bulgarian can’t afford even a modest vacation on the Black Sea coast.

The resident of "Dondukov" 2 arrived at a specially rented 3,000-square-meter residence, accessible only to a select few.

There, Radev indulges at the exorbitant rate of 3,000 euros (about 6,000 BGN) per night. Thus, for the ten days that he and his entourage will be relaxing on Greek beaches, just the accommodation alone will exceed 60,000 BGN.

The estate has direct access to a private beach and a secluded bay, where "Mr. Cash" flexes his shaved muscles in the company of his National Security Service (NSO) guards. Meanwhile, Desislava Radeva dips her ample bust in a private pool with a built-in jacuzzi.

President Radev is sunbathing in Greece while the country is in turmoil

The 6,000 BGN per night palace where Radev and his wife stayed

Desi Radeva sunbathes all day

The palace has its own pool

NSO teams guard Radev and his wife as if they were drug lords

The snow-white three-story mansion is a true example of luxury and extravagance, with two spacious verandas and wrought-iron railings. The first floor features a large dining room and living area, rivaling a conference hall in size. The enormous French windows overlook marble garden paths surrounded by lush greenery. Right in front of the main entrance lies an elegant pool, equipped with several sun loungers. A few meters from the main building is a second villa where the NSO guards and service staff sleep, and in the garden, a high-end tent is set up so that the first couple can organize romantic dinners while half of Bulgaria struggles with fires and the horrific drought engulfing the country.

Of course, we must add the salaries and other fees for the NSO guards, whom the state pays to protect their patron while he leisurely relaxes during the most critical days of natural disasters and political chaos. While he cools off in the Greek sea, massive sums are drained from Bulgarian taxpayers to cover his security.

Every evening, the Bulgarian clones of dictator Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo dine at elite beachfront restaurants, escorted by a small army of state guards, as if they were a South African drug lord or a diamond trafficker. Part of his entourage, equipped with earpieces, guns, and Kevlar blankets, occupies the restaurants hours before "Mr. Cash" and "General Desi" arrive. An excessive perimeter is cordoned off, prohibiting not only ordinary Greeks but even local business elites from getting close to them, as witnessed by our camera.

During the day, while Radev and his wife are tanning, an NSO van is parked nearby, crammed with jamming devices, radars, and interceptors, ensuring that not even a bird can fly by unnoticed.

To make the story even more offensive to the starving Bulgarians, it should be mentioned that Radev’s entourage includes three master chefs, one of whom is tasked with serving him special fish dishes, fresh fruits, and chilled white wine directly on the beach, while another is entirely at Desi Radeva’s disposal, preparing her special diet rich in seafood, octopus, and other delicacies. The third culinary expert ensures the state guards don't go hungry. The ingredients for their meals are sourced from select farms and specially hired fishermen in the area.

Traveling with Radev’s motorcade is a mandatory medical team, including a doctor, a nurse, and two masseurs to keep them relaxed.

The sheets on which the VIP couple will rest are made from luxurious Egyptian cotton and were unpacked for the first time for this distinguished visit, according to their Greek hosts, who are thrilled with the financial windfall from Rumen Radev’s vacation. According to their calculations, the entire stay will cost a quarter of a million BGN, a sum beyond the reach of even well-dressed businessmen.

The big question is how and, more importantly, where "Mr. Cash" gets the cash to live like a Russian oligarch. His salary can’t even cover one night’s stay for the NSO guards, according to those familiar with presidential secrets. Radev’s official savings are also modest. However, his unofficial income, supplied by individuals like Nikolay Koprinkov and oligarch Nikolay Valkanov, can easily cover such extravagance. It’s no wonder, then, that the president and his wife have shunned the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in favor of luxury in neighboring Greece, much to the disgust of the people.

Expect more in our next report on who accompanied Radev to Halkidiki.


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