Pullicino Orlando thanks Daphne for exposing those who shamed the country
One of Daphne Caruana Galizia's most vociferous detractors on Thursday publicly saluted her for exposing those who had 'weaved a web of corruption' which 'has put our country to shame'.
Former Nationalist MP turned Labour supporter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was one of the most frequent targets of Caruana Galizia's blogs and he used to reply in kind on Facebook.
On Thursday in an 'open note' addressed to her two years after her murder, he wrote:
"You lied so often, about so many people, that a lot of us ended up not believing you when you said the truth.
"Just like the boy who cried wolf. I decry you for the lies and for the waste of your considerable talent as a writer on malicious gossip.
"I also, however, salute you for your courage and tenacity in exposing those among us who were using their connections or position to weave a web of corruption which has put our country to shame.
"May they get what they deserve.
"May you rest in peace."
Pullicino Orlando's 'open note' came as the police interview former chief of staff Keith Schembri' and prominent businessman Yorgen Schembri' who are both regarded as persons of interest in the murder investigation.

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