
Breaking! Kristian Takov’s Last love – Judge Borislav Belazelkov Joins the Constitutional Court. Is He Aiming to Lead It?

His wife Ksenia is a solid notary, DB judicial reform is because of him
Breaking! Kristian Takov’s Last love – Judge Borislav Belazelkov Joins the Constitutional Court. Is He Aiming to Lead It?

‘Gay lobby is going to take on the last fortress in the country – the Constitutional Court of Republic of Bulgaria. Judge Borislav Belazelkov entering there will open the doors for the legalization of perversions - first political, and then purely sexual". This was stated before us by a metropolitan magistrate and law professor, who knows in detail not only the sidelines of power, but also those of the Faculty of Law at SU. And they, as we know, have a warm relationship both with Democratic Bulgaria and with the upper management levels.

After realizing that we were ready to take the risk of publishing his scandalous revelations, to say the least, the interlocutor insisted on two things. First, in case of future legal claims by the persons affected in this article, let us refer to the European and global practice for protecting the identity of the source of information. And secondly – to convey his words verbatim. The associate professor even insisted on dictating them to our reporter, and he had to take notes – just like on the student bench.

The story is short, but at the same time meaningful, which is why we transmit it without editorial intervention:

"Besides as a colleague, in our guild we know Judge Belazelkov as the last and perhaps the greatest love of the late Prof. Christian Takov. This tender friendship of theirs is sealed in the corridors of the Alma Mater, I would not say that it was a secret for those initiated into it, but it acquired its party dimensions, legitimized by "Yes Bulgaria". Because the author of this now infamous judicial reform is precisely Judge Belazelkov. Now the colleague is getting his well-deserved payback with his nomination for the SC. But this is only the beginning. Borislav believes that he will head the Constitutional Court.”

We remind you that none other than the Parliamentary group of "We continue the change - Democratic Bulgaria" (PP-DB) officially appointed the former supreme judge Borislav Belazelkov as a member of the Constitutional Court last Wednesday. The Constitutional Court has been operating in a partial capacity since November 2021, when the mandate of the representatives of the parliamentary quota there expires.

Borislav Belazelkov, appointed by the PP-DB, is a specialist in commercial and civil law, a teacher and a former judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation, where he was retired with honors in May 2021. In his words, "for this post, it is important what positions the candidate expressed on important public issues, what convictions he defended in his career," he stated as quoted by "Svobdna Europa".

What he has prudently refrained from saying is his intentions to head the Constitutional Court at a later stage, bringing the PP-DB through the back door at the top of this highest body for the legal order and constitutionalism.

In an attempt to corroborate the salacious claims about the would-be constitutional judge's unorthodox tendencies, we asked some of the outspoken supporters of same-sex love who have further lifted the veil on homosexual entanglements in the legal lobby. According to them, during his lifetime, judge Belazelkov and another senior judge, considered one of the icons of the democratic community, fought for the heart of Prof. Christian Takov, who is also a close relative of the communist Peko Takov. The latter even stormed (unsuccessfully) the building of "Dondukov" 2. Although they were like-minded politically and colleagues for judicial reform, their souls were torn by a sick jealousy towards their colleague who left this world prematurely. Unlike Takov, who in his lifetime freed himself from the shackles of marriage in order to surrender to his essence, Borislav Belazelkov and his rival are married, and this prevented them from demonstrating their attraction to the end.



This is the place to mention that the future constitutional judge Belazelkov is the husband of the authoritative metropolitan notary Ksenia Belazelkova. By a curious coincidence, or perhaps as a result of her understanding of the gentle hobby of her husband, she became a lecturer at a training course for notaries, together with ... Christian Takov. Here is what we find in the archives of Trud from that time: "... A month before the written exam for the vacant 111 places for notaries, the chairman of the Union of Judges in Bulgaria and a judge in the Supreme Court of Cassation Borislav Belazelkov, his wife, notary Ksenia Belazelkova, as well as the member of the Legal Council under the President Assoc. Christian Takov were lecturers at a two-day seminar organized by the Center for European Studies. The organizers refused to specify the number of participants who paid the fee of BGN 360 to participate in the seminar, dedicated to the upcoming written and oral exam for filling vacancies for notaries with judicial districts, determined by order LS-I-1196/10.11.2014 .of the Minister of Justice.

Two months ago, the co-chairman of the Reform Bloc, Radan Kanev (ed. note: who is also linked to a part of the legal homo lobby around DB) signaled to the prosecutor's office that his name was being implicated by unknown persons in Varna in a scheme to "fix" the exam for notaries. According to Kanev, the "successful" appearance at the competition cost over BGN 200,000..."

Out of respect for the memory of the late Prof. Takov, we are obliged to mention that he was openly publicly accused of intimate sympathies towards his own gender by his colleague at the "Faculty of Law" of the SU - professor Chavdar Stoyanov, and during his lifetime he did not find it necessary to refute the allegations .

Regarding Judge Belazelkov, who deliberately avoided the limelight, we have not come across any direct statements in this sense, but two of the seven high-ranking lawyers who we asked if they had heard such gossip replied that "every gossip is guaranteed to contain a grain of truth", and LGBT- our community is anything but discreet about its fellow homosexuals.


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